Makers Directory for Bag Makers and Fashion Designers | SUPPLY4BAG

Supply4bag aims to inspire bag makers with different levels of creativity and skills through offering quality bag frames, bag making tutorials and patterns, we hope you enjoy making bags as much as we do.

We would love to see what you are making using metal purse frames or box clutch frames from supply4bag.

Handmade Clutch Bag from New Zealand | SUPPLY4BAGVALLEY THREAD    Shop     Instagram     Facebook
Handmade Clutch Bags from Zurich, Switzerland | SUPPLY4BAG

TEXTILKUNST   Shop    Instagram    Facebook

Metal Pures Frame Bags Handmade in Australia | SUPPLY4BAG

SITTING PRETTY DESIGNS    Shop    Instagram    Facebook

Kisslock Leather Bag Handmade in Canada | SUPPLY4BAG

SLUSH    Shop    Instagram    Facebook


This is our new Makers Directory and it is a showcase of your finished projects. If you would like to feature in our directory, just fill below form, thanks :)